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We are
Garner Outgrow
Andrew Garner, the doyen of "Executive Search", has chosen
to extend his legacy by collaborating with Outgrow
We are
Garner - Outgrow

Our Mantra
"We prefer meeting our candidates in the skin rather
than on the screen"

Executive Search

We Offer Careers, Not Merely Jobs

Executive Search is not as easy as one would think. It’s not about sending a few messages randomly and having some of those who respond back to appear for an interview with the client. It’s a far greater responsibility.

Headhunters are the brand ambassadors for their client organisations, as they represent them to the outer world while speaking with the senior-most executives in the industry. Tasked with finding the best talent from across continents while keeping in mind the culture and values of the client organisations, it takes special skills to navigate through the labyrinth and get some well-intending candidates to undergo the long & winding procedure of selection.

It takes mighty professional finesse to deal with the best in the industry, especially when only one of them will ultimately make the cut and the rest have to be let gone without a compromise on their dignity. That’s why the best headhunters arise from the industry after having served in leadership roles with large organisations.

Garner Outgrow firmly believes in giving its clients only the best. Its extensive network spreading across continents and penetrating into the board rooms of large corporations allows it the rare capability to present the best talent for consideration by its clients.

5 interesting facts about headhunting

1. Headhunting as a profession is more than 7 decades old now, starting immediately after the World War II
2. The first headhunter was a soldier who recommended to the industry other soldiers with specialized skills in machinery, tool, and other skills
3. Headhunters fill only 3% of all the jobs
4. There are more female than male headhunters
5. Most headhunters were not professionally so ,before turning one.