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Andrew Garner  rose rapidly through ranks at Mars Corporation and on to roles of Director roles Brooke Bond and Gallaher, before joining the pioneering executive search company, Boyden. As Chairman and CEO at Boyden, he steered fim’s expansion into 40 countries, subsequently launching his own firm, Garner International, and floating it on the London Stock Exchange. Next, he bought Norman Broadbent plc, one of the all-time leading search brands operating across Europe and the Middle East, rebuilding its UK position and expanding its international footprint.

Navin Ahuja worked diligently to rise up the ranks, as he worked through some of the leading organizations in the world, before founding Outgrow Consulting.  It was to fulfil his dream of setting up a consulting practice aimed at getting the clients to derive maximum value out of their businesses. An indispensable part of that value creation is “talent search” services aimed at providing the clients with strong leadership that’s necessary for navigating their businesses through an environment of persistent challenges and also elevating it to the next level. Having been a leader himself he understands the importance of having the right leaders to lead organizations.